Welcome to Big Old Goofy World . . . a place where I can share my thoughts, hopes, and dreams about this rock that we live on and call home.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Trumptana My . . .

Sunday morning, I woke up to discover that I live in a new state—Trumptana.  Sometime during the darkness of night Montana lost its statehood.  I never saw it coming.  Nope.  Woke up Sunday morning and saw in the Billings Gazette that Montana was now Trumptana according to Don “K” Kaltschmidt of Whitefish, Montana . . . or should I say “Trumptana”?  such early morning revelations kind of puts a damper on one’s morning . . . and I hadn’t even been drinking the night before.

Who the heck is Mr. Kaltschmidt to proclaim that Montana was now known as Trumptana?  Turns out that he is the chairman (can’t say “chairperson” since Republicans in Montana have such a low tolerance for gender issues) of the Montana Republican Party.  Yup, he is the top dog Republican in Montana—whoopie for him.  I cannot imagine—since Montanans pride themselves for their independent streak—speaking for all Montanans.  But there it was . . . on the editorial page of the Billings Gazette and many other news resources across the state.  Montana was now Trumptana.  That just . . . well . . . pissed me off.  Who the heck does Don “K” Kaltschmidt think he is?  Who died and made him boss?  I don’t remember making him my proxy when it came to Montana’s statehood. 


This past week ex-President Donald Trump held a rally in Bozeman, Montana for all the Republican candidates—but specifically Tim Sheehy—in the upcoming elections.  Trump has a bone to pick with Montana’s lone Democratic senator, Jon Tester, who has been a pain in Trump’s rear end for a long, long time.  This is the Donald’s third attempt in ousting Tester. Since moving to Montana, I have witnessed Montana move from being a glorious “purple” state to a completely “red” state.  Trump has carried every election since 2016.  But he and the Republican Party does not define all the people in Montana.  Far from it.


So . . . where in the heck does Kaltschmidt get off declaring Montana . . . Trumptana!  How repulsive to identify one’s self with such a reprehensible and repulsive caricature of a human being.  I cannot, for the life of me, step into the illusionary, fantastical, delusional world of the individual known as Donald Trump.  To coin the new word for Trump from the Democrats—he is weird!  Not only is he weird, he is an egotistical, immoral (if he has any at all), a liar, ignorant, cheating, self-centered buffoon.  He laughs at the law of the land.  He is mean . . . vengeful.  How in the world would I want such an individual to represent me or the state I have come to love and call home.  The state I love.


In the present time Montana might be firmly embedded in the “red” . . . solidly Republican; but that is not all that defines Big Sky Country or its people.  Montana is deeper, broader, and more independent than one party . . . one belief . . . one way of thinking.  Montana is a diverse community that prides itself on its independent streak that was once willing to sit at the table to discuss and discern for the common good of all, and thne walk away from the table as neighbors, family, and friends.  Power can corrupt and that power has shattered the fellowship around the table.  Lost is the conversation, the discernment, and community that was once there.  That is Trumptana.  It is a far cry from what Montana used to be.  And I am insulted to be pulled into this nightmarish chaos crowned with the title “Trumptana” just because I happen to live geographically within the borders of what was once known at Montana.  I deserve better.  The citizens of Montana deserve better.  Montana is better than that . . . much better.


I think that it is an insult to Montanans to allude that Montana—or Trumptana as Mr. Kaltschmidt calls it—is centered on Donald Trump and all that he represents.  Montanans do not fit nicely in the same mold . . . no, there is a diversity of independence that marks Montanans.  Montanans are individuals.  That is why they are in Montana . . . to be themselves without having a whole lot of interference from others.  There are approximately 7.59 people per square mile in the state.  That is why I moved to Montana . . . there are not a whole lot of people.  And Montanans like that.  It gives people the freedom to be yourself and do your own thing. No one is shoved into a box . . . be yourself.  We also believe that if you are not hurting anyone else, do what you want with your life.  After listening to the Great Orange One speak . . . he seems to like to hurt people and tell them what they can and cannot do.  Doesn’t seem the Montana way to me.  The man is bossy and mean.


Montanans believe in helping others in their time of need.  In times of need, Montanans come together to help and care for one another.  Despite big words about caring, it is the actions that prove the point . . . Trumps words rarely align with his actions.  Montanans act instead of just talking about it.  Talk is cheap and in the season of a major political election . . . actions speak louder than words.


Montanans respect other cultures . . . respect diversity.  We are the only state in the United States that has it written in its constitution to learn, honor, and respect Native Americans as a part of our own history, culture, and communities.  We recognize that we all have our cultural heritages . . . that we all came from somewhere else . . . that makes us a diverse community that rallies together to care for one another.  We try to learn about one another and work together to provide a good life for all.  We might be different for a lot of reasons, but we rally together as Montanans.  This sort of behavior does not quite live down to what Trump espouses to his followers.


We are friendly and nice.  We don’t go around calling each other nasty names or making fun of people’s appearances.  We don’t belittle another for being from another community or culture or talking with an accent.  We don’t yell at each other or start profane chants that ridicule one another.  No, we attempt to “do on to others as we would want done onto us”.  We are not like Trump . . . we take responsibility for ourselves without blaming others . . . we believe in the truth; thus, we don’t lie . . . and we show respect to others.  Not very Trumpian actions.


Trumptana doesn’t sound much like what Montanans feel the state is all about . . . maybe on paper, but it’s the actions that matter.  Donald Trump does not represent Montanans.  We are better than that.  To equate the whole of Montana as the land of Trump is to do a disservice to Montanans.  Don “K” Kaltschmidt speaks for a small part of the state of Montana when he declares Montana is now Trumptana.  If Montana is truly Trumptana we might have to change our unofficial state motto from “Big Sky Country” (where there is no limit) to “Big Land--Small Brains—Little Hearts”.  Nothing about Trumptana speaks of the heart and soul of Montana.  Mr. Kaltschmidt should speak for himself and mind his own business.  Montana was a better place to live before Trump and is cronies got involved.


Mr. Kaltschmidt, don’t step on my toes and insult me.  Trumptana my . . .  


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