Welcome to Big Old Goofy World . . . a place where I can share my thoughts, hopes, and dreams about this rock that we live on and call home.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

God . . . Save Us!

Often, God speaks in a quiet voice.  It is not a loud, booming voice with flashy special effects that announce the presence of the Holy.  God is not standing center stage commanding attention.  No, God is in the crowd . . . or in the periphery . . . in the shadows of the borderland.  God is present but not in the flamboyant manner that so many expect.

On Saturday, October 12th, tens of thousands gathered in the nation’s capital for a “Million Women” worship rally as a “last stand moment” to save the United States of America from satanic forces.  Though far short of the million hoped for, thousands gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to pray for America’s atonement . . . an atonement seen possible through the election of Donald Trump to the White House.  Together the masses prayed for Jesus to intercede . . . to intercede on behalf of Trump in November.  Anything less is the demise of the country.


There was a whole lot of rhetoric and posturing going on.  Lou Engles was the organizer of the event.  Engle is a self-described prophet and a leader of the New Apostolic Reformation—a movement of charismatic Christians who for years have portrayed U.S. politics as a spiritual clash between good and evil.  The movement believes that Trump is God’s anointed leader to redeem the nation.  With the election a few weeks away, I guess a last-ditch effort to solicit the Holy’s assistance doesn’t hurt.  From the bully pulpit Engle cried out, “Listen to the cries of your people.  Save us, God!”  Speaker after speaker made their appeals through worn and tired rhetoric and lies . . . God save us!


Too early to say whether God was listening.  God is busy.  It ain’t easy being divine and having to field an avalanche of petitions from the faithful and unfaithful.  Come on, think about it . . . just in the United States alone the Holy has been dealing with two hurricanes, an election year, and keeping the “anointed one” protected from assassination attempts and court dates.  I imagine God heard it all, after all, God hears everything—right?  At least that is the hope conveyed . . . God save us before it all hits the fan, and we are all in a real poop show.  Those there equated failure as the coming Armageddon—an “abyss of no return.”


The circus rolls on.


I have been told by many teachers that the way to grab the attention of a loud, unruly class is not to shout louder . . . but to speak quietly.  Shouting raises the noise as everyone shouts to be heard over everyone else.  Through quietness one must stop shouting to hear.  To listen.  And it works.


That’s how God works.  That is how God speaks.  Quietly and with purpose.  To hear the voice of the Holy one must silence the noise from outside and within.  Only then is the real voice of the Divine revealed and heard.


  Quieting the noise won’t be easy.  The election is approximately three weeks away and maybe the prayer that needs to be uttered is one of asking to survive the next three weeks as every person running for a public office ramps up the onslaught.  The noise is everywhere and comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and sounds.  I imagine many—if not most—are tired of it all.  Many—if not most—already know how they are going to vote.  Like some nasty water torture the dripping is non-stop.  Bonkers is knocking at the door.  It seems as if everyone is attempting to get in their last digs . . . their last poke in the stomach . . . the last “gotcha!”


That is what is scary.


God speaks.  The human part of creation doesn’t listen.  If humanity was listening, they’d hear loud and clear the Divine voice saying, “What are you going to do?  What are you going to do about the whole mess?”  God is not going to do the work for any of us.  The prayers of “God save us” are as empty as “the thoughts and prayers” offered for those less fortunate and survivors of catastrophes. Empty words.  Hollow words.  God is telling creation—at least the human side of it—that it is up to us to do something.  Something more than putting all our hope into a narcissistic, lying, hate-mongering, racist, misogynist, convicted felon hailed as God’s flawed choice for our nation’s redemption and salvation.  That is not the way of God.  If it is, then my whole life’s purpose has been a lie.


The voice of God that I hear is not the voice of God those who gathered in Washington, D.C. heard.  The voice of God I hear is one of love and love in action.  It is not a voice of hatred.  Not a voice of division.  Not a voice of condemnation . . . of vengefulness.  I hear love.  I hear a call to action.  It is a quiet voice.  In this there is hope.  I know what I must do.  I think we all do.  Come November 5th we must all act . . . VOTE!  Love is not a noun . . . it is a verb . . . it is action.  Let your actions speak louder than your words.  Do something!


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