Welcome to Big Old Goofy World . . . a place where I can share my thoughts, hopes, and dreams about this rock that we live on and call home.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Red, Red, Robin

People are beginning to post pictures of robins on social media proclaiming that spring is on its way.  The sunny weather and warm temperatures we’ve had in Montana certainly hint about spring coming.  It is tempting to hop on the bandwagon, drop one’s guard, and embrace the impending spring fever that is floating in the air.  But . . . be warned . . . Mother Nature is a fickle old broad!

I spied a robin in our backyard this morning traipsing around the snow that is still residing in the yard.  I can assure you that seeing a robin is not a sign of spring.  Not all robins migrate.  They hang around all year-round.  I have seen robins around the homestead every month of the year.  I’m not sure what is wrong with these hardy aves to want to stick around for a Montana winter.  Maybe they are lazy and don’t want to have to haul butt south for the winter.  Maybe they are not the smartest and didn’t understand the call to fly south.  I don’t know.  What I do know is that there are robins that seem to like hanging around all year round in Montana.  Because of that I do not get too excited . . . spring ain’t here yet!


Hey!  It is the start of March, and I said, Mother Nature is a fickle old broad.  Here in Montana, January and February are the prelude to what is yet to come.  The truth is that a lot of snow comes in late March and early April.  One year the lead up to Easter we had close to 70 inches of snow.  Yeah, 70 inches!  It was a great boost to the mountain snowpack, but a big downer for those who had embraced the spring myth.  Some of the best and biggest snows in Montana are in what people call spring.


They say in Montana that if you don’t like the weather . . . wait five minutes.  But they say that in a lot of states.  The big joke is that a person can experience all four seasons in a day in Montana.  And it is true.  I’ve decided that there are basically two seasons in Montana—hot and cold.


As much as I would like to join in the chorus of spring’s impending arrival, I tread gingerly.  Mother Nature will herald spring when she is good and ready.  In the meantime, we get what we get.  Don’t fall for false signs of spring.  Just because your neighbor is out shoveling snow in shorts it doesn’t mean spring is here.  No, it probably means that your neighbor isn’t dealing with a full deck.  That neighbor who plants those flowers and vegetable seeds . . . not a sign! Nope, it is just the annual sacrifice to the garden gods.  They will be replanting.  The Chicago Cubs starting the season with three straight victories . . . not a sign!  Come on!  It’s the Cubs!  False sign.  Don’t fall for it.  Even the scriptures warn us to watch out for false signs.


Don’t get your hope up with the first robin you see in the weeks to come.  It ain’t spring.  It is just a wayward bird who never flew south.  Why would you trust a bird who didn’t take the chance to head south where it is warm and instead stay for a Montana winter?  Don’t let Mother Nature play you like a string instrument.  When she is ready, she will deliver spring in all of its glory.  In the meantime, grab a drink, park yourself in front of a window, and enjoy the roller coaster ride.  After all, the weather changes every five minutes.  It is better than anything you could stream on television.


When the red, red, robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along

There’ll be no more sobbin’, when he starts throbbin’ his old sweet song

(Al Jolson - When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along--1926)


Be patient.  Don’t fall for it.  Spring will come . . . be patient.  Yup, I saw a robin . . . it was just Mother Nature jerking my chain.