Welcome to Big Old Goofy World . . . a place where I can share my thoughts, hopes, and dreams about this rock that we live on and call home.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

A Worthy Tribute—Poop


Finally!  A tribute has been erected—although temporary—for individuals who stormed the nation’s capital on January 6th, 2021.  This homage to the “patriots” as Donald Trump cans them sits on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.  It was about time that these “insurrectionists”—oops, I mean “patriots”—received a recognition fittingly acknowledging their bravery on that day.  The artwork is titled The Resolute Desk, but it has earned the more popular name of The Poop Desk.  It is fitting and appropriate tribute to those “patriots” who heroically rose up to save the nation from the ramifications of an election stolen from Donald Trump.

The temporary artwork . . . a bronze statue of poop plopped atop the desk of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi . . . went on display across from the capital building on the National Mall on October 24th and will remain there until October 31st.  A plaque accompanying the statue reads:


“This memorial honors the brave men and women who broke into the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021, to loot, urinate, and defecate throughout those hallowed halls in order to overturn an election.  President Trump celebrates these heroes of January 6th as ‘unbelievable patriots’ and ‘warriors.’  This monument stands as a testament to their daring sacrifice and lasting legacy.”


Apparently, the artist/sculptor speaks with “tongue in cheek.”  It reeks of irony . . . sarcasm . . . humor.  I suppose though it depends on how you look at it and which side you are on.  I think it is funny. . . and protected—get this—the First Amendment.  Ironic, huh?


Humanity likes to honor those who are admired and seen as heroes by erecting statues, memorials, and other tributes.  The National Mall in Washington, D.C. is filled with such tributes and memorials—the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, the Washington Monument, the Viet Nam Wall, the Holocaust Memorial, M.L. King, Jr. statue, and many others.  If one is to fall in step with Donald Trump then it is fitting that the “insurrectionists”—dang, did it again . . . I mean “patriots”—of the January 6th, 2021, peaceful protest should have their own too.  Even if it is only temporary.  They earned it.  They deserve it.


It is estimated that approximately 1,500 people were charged with federal crimes for their actions on January 6th, 2021.  More than 1,100 were found guilty of their crimes.  Over 600 received prison sentences.  The trials continue . . . hundreds of them.  It was definitely a revolt . . . a day of violence . . . a day of mayhem.  Trump, as the Republican candidate for president, has called it a “day of love” and speaks glowingly of those arrested as “patriots.”


Day of love!!!


Over 140 law enforcement officers were injured, people lost their careers, some even lost their lives.  It was a day that our nation’s democracy was assaulted.  The majority of the nation was appalled . . . sickened . . . angry . . . with what Trump calls a “day of love.”  If what took place that day was a “day of love” . . . well, watch out!  Trump is promising to dole out some more “love” whether he wins the election or not.


These people broke the law when they stormed the nation’s capital to stop the certification of the election.  An election that has been proven repeatedly to be lawful, legitimate, and fair.  Most of these people admitted guilt for their crimes.  They were convicted.  Sadly, they are caught up in the lies and rhetoric of the one who will eventually have his day in court . . . maybe!  If Trump wins the election, he will shower the “patriots” not with “love” but pardons—all of them, including himself.  Which is a bunch of poop.


It has been poop from day one with Trump and his self-appointed “patriots” spreading their “love” for our nation.  Thus, the temporary monument honoring the January 6th “patriots” and the party of Make America Great Again is fitting.  It summarizes it all quite well in such a way that everyone can grasp its meaning.  It is poop and it is just revving up because it is not over.  There is more to come no matter whether Trump wins or loses the election—a real poop show.  Why?  Because Trump loves us . . . love our nation.  Watch your back.  In the meantime, enjoy the fittingly appropriate monument of those brave and heroic “patriots.”


Smile . . . its humor. 


(To see the story as reported in the news, go to this LINK.)

Sunday, October 13, 2024

God . . . Save Us!

Often, God speaks in a quiet voice.  It is not a loud, booming voice with flashy special effects that announce the presence of the Holy.  God is not standing center stage commanding attention.  No, God is in the crowd . . . or in the periphery . . . in the shadows of the borderland.  God is present but not in the flamboyant manner that so many expect.

On Saturday, October 12th, tens of thousands gathered in the nation’s capital for a “Million Women” worship rally as a “last stand moment” to save the United States of America from satanic forces.  Though far short of the million hoped for, thousands gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to pray for America’s atonement . . . an atonement seen possible through the election of Donald Trump to the White House.  Together the masses prayed for Jesus to intercede . . . to intercede on behalf of Trump in November.  Anything less is the demise of the country.


There was a whole lot of rhetoric and posturing going on.  Lou Engles was the organizer of the event.  Engle is a self-described prophet and a leader of the New Apostolic Reformation—a movement of charismatic Christians who for years have portrayed U.S. politics as a spiritual clash between good and evil.  The movement believes that Trump is God’s anointed leader to redeem the nation.  With the election a few weeks away, I guess a last-ditch effort to solicit the Holy’s assistance doesn’t hurt.  From the bully pulpit Engle cried out, “Listen to the cries of your people.  Save us, God!”  Speaker after speaker made their appeals through worn and tired rhetoric and lies . . . God save us!


Too early to say whether God was listening.  God is busy.  It ain’t easy being divine and having to field an avalanche of petitions from the faithful and unfaithful.  Come on, think about it . . . just in the United States alone the Holy has been dealing with two hurricanes, an election year, and keeping the “anointed one” protected from assassination attempts and court dates.  I imagine God heard it all, after all, God hears everything—right?  At least that is the hope conveyed . . . God save us before it all hits the fan, and we are all in a real poop show.  Those there equated failure as the coming Armageddon—an “abyss of no return.”


The circus rolls on.


I have been told by many teachers that the way to grab the attention of a loud, unruly class is not to shout louder . . . but to speak quietly.  Shouting raises the noise as everyone shouts to be heard over everyone else.  Through quietness one must stop shouting to hear.  To listen.  And it works.


That’s how God works.  That is how God speaks.  Quietly and with purpose.  To hear the voice of the Holy one must silence the noise from outside and within.  Only then is the real voice of the Divine revealed and heard.


  Quieting the noise won’t be easy.  The election is approximately three weeks away and maybe the prayer that needs to be uttered is one of asking to survive the next three weeks as every person running for a public office ramps up the onslaught.  The noise is everywhere and comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and sounds.  I imagine many—if not most—are tired of it all.  Many—if not most—already know how they are going to vote.  Like some nasty water torture the dripping is non-stop.  Bonkers is knocking at the door.  It seems as if everyone is attempting to get in their last digs . . . their last poke in the stomach . . . the last “gotcha!”


That is what is scary.


God speaks.  The human part of creation doesn’t listen.  If humanity was listening, they’d hear loud and clear the Divine voice saying, “What are you going to do?  What are you going to do about the whole mess?”  God is not going to do the work for any of us.  The prayers of “God save us” are as empty as “the thoughts and prayers” offered for those less fortunate and survivors of catastrophes. Empty words.  Hollow words.  God is telling creation—at least the human side of it—that it is up to us to do something.  Something more than putting all our hope into a narcissistic, lying, hate-mongering, racist, misogynist, convicted felon hailed as God’s flawed choice for our nation’s redemption and salvation.  That is not the way of God.  If it is, then my whole life’s purpose has been a lie.


The voice of God that I hear is not the voice of God those who gathered in Washington, D.C. heard.  The voice of God I hear is one of love and love in action.  It is not a voice of hatred.  Not a voice of division.  Not a voice of condemnation . . . of vengefulness.  I hear love.  I hear a call to action.  It is a quiet voice.  In this there is hope.  I know what I must do.  I think we all do.  Come November 5th we must all act . . . VOTE!  Love is not a noun . . . it is a verb . . . it is action.  Let your actions speak louder than your words.  Do something!


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sticks and Stones


Sticks and stones may break my bones

But words shall never hurt me



The antiquated rhyme taught to children around 1830 and repeated ever since was meant to be defense against name-calling and verbal bullying.  It was meant to increase resiliency, avoid physical retaliation, and/or remain calm and indifferent to such abuse.  As well intended as those words were meant to be . . . the truth is that words can hurt and destroy.


We all know it.  We’ve all experienced it.


During the Second World War the popular idiom of propaganda was. “Loose lips sink ships.”  Though it was meant to warm people about the consequences of sharing confidential information with the enemy, today it can be applied to everyday situations, reminding people to be mindful of what they say and the impact it might have on others.


Ask the people of Springfield, Ohio . . . especially those of the Haitian descent. 


It all started because of words and loose lips.


Remember the children’s game—Telephone?  Everyone lines up or sits in a circle.  One person starts by whispering a statement or phrase that is passed onto the person beside them.  This continues to happen until it reaches the end of the line or goes around the circle.  The last person then shares what was heard.  Rarely what was said makes it to the end intact.  Usually, it is miles away from what was originally shared.


As a game it is fun and good for a few laughs.  In life this is a dangerous game that can hurt, can damage and traumatize, lead to violence, ruin lives, and even kill in this day of social media.


Ask the people of Springfield, Ohio.


Ask Erika Lee . . . “It exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen.”  Bomb threats closing schools, public spaces, government offices, and the local university.  Threats of violence.  All because of words . . . misspoken and untrue words.  Words that hurt.  Words that created threats and instilled fear.  Misguided words.  Words that lead beyond broken bones and dance around death.  Ask Erika.  Ask her about the words she spoke . . . it is Telephone gone wrong.


It started with a Facebook post that spread a harmful and baseless claim about the community’s Haitian immigrants eating local pets . . . pets claimed to be disappearing.  A falsehood she had heard from a friend who had heard it from a friend who had heard it from an acquaintance of a friend.  By the time it had run the gamut it exploded and became viral.


That explosion was primed by politics and politicians seizing an opportunity to stoke and exploit fear among the masses . . . to probe their misinformed point about immigrants being dangerous and bane on the nation. Those illegals and undesirables.  They eat our pets . . . our dogs and cats!  Thanks to the politicians the Telephone game ran rampant and out of control.  First, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, J.D. Vance, spouted the falsehood.  Then his boss, the presidential candidate—Donald Trump, hooks onto it and uses it to prove a point in the presidential debate on national television and radio with millions watching and listening.


Boom!  It went viral.  The rumor and falsehood spread like wildfire spawning conspiracy and hatred.  This anti-immigrant fervor led to school and municipal building closures.  Families pulled their children from school and activities out of fear.  It pushed into hiding the Haitian community because of the fear it had created.  People are fearful for their lives all because someone said a falsehood . . . a lie.


The Springfield authorities—including local law enforcement—have stated that this is not true.  It is a falsehood.  A lie.  The community’s pets are safe.  The people of Springfield have said that there is no truth to what was said.  Even J.D. Vance has offhandedly admitted that there is no truth, but still encourages his faithful to keep it up despite knowing it is false.  The game continues to be played.  Even Donald Trump lies about it and continues to perpetuate the lie.  No one, outside of Erika Lee, has shown any compassion or remorse for the words spoken.  And why should they . . . after all, “words will never hurt” anyone.


Sadly, we know better.  Words can hurt.  Words can provoke.  Words can lead to threats and acts of violence.  Words can kill . . . figuratively, mentally, spiritually, and physically.  We have seen it before, and we are witnessing it now.  Look no further than Springfield, Ohio.


Those who speak such words should be held accountable.  Yet, as a whole, we sit back in silence . . . or we might say, “Knock it off!” If these words were spoken by our children, we would not ignore it.  We would hold our children accountable for the words that they have spoken and also to the consequences of those words.  As we have seen there are consequences to the words that are spoken.  We know the power of words.  We should be mindful of the words that are spoken . . . by us, by those around us, and by those we elect to be our representatives and leaders.


As we have seen in the evolving world of politics, words have become a weapon . . . a weapon to instill fear, to hurt, to polarize, to wield power, to control, to belittle.  Words have become nasty and seemingly meant to destroy instead of being used to build up.  In all honesty, most of us do not like it.  We abhor it.  Yet, we sit still.  We are quiet.  We are scared of those who are spouting out the vile words of hate and fear.  We shy away from holding those who wield the words accountable.


Look what happened to Springfield, Ohio . . . its community . . . its people.  All because of words.  It is wrong.  We, the people, need to take back the words . . . words are holy . . . words are powerful . . . words can build and lift up and love.  They do not have to tear down.  Just listen to the opposition and the words she speaks . . . there is hope.  But we need to reclaim the words.  Stop using them as a weapon and instead embrace them as tools to build up everyone.


“Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord.”  Words are holy.  We are all holy.  Let us never forgot.