The current president of the United States of
America thrives in chaos. He delights in
upsetting the apple cart. He revels in
creating disorder and confusion. He
truly seems to enjoy making life a constant nightmare for the citizens he was
elected to serve . . . and, get this, it doesn’t matter if you are with him or
against him. Dare I say this with his
ban on DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) . . . he is an equal opportunity
disrupter. He really does not care who he
is ticking off as long as the attention is on him. No one should be surprised. He did this in his last term. The “orange one” thrives on chaos. No one can deny that. Since taking office a little over a month ago
there has been nothing but complete disorder and confusion. That, my friends, is the definition of chaos.
The United States is in utter chaos! We are a mess! Where is Maxell Smart, Agent 86, when we need him?
Remember Maxwell Smart? Oops! I’m showing my age. Get Smart was a comedy television series that parodied the secret agent genre made popular by all the James Bonds films. Created by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry it stars Don Adams as a bumbling secret agent who worked for a secret U.S. government counterintelligence agency based in Washington, D.C. called CONTROL. Its main task was to fight KAOS, the international organization of evil”, whose goal was world domination. Adams character was named Maxwell Smart. He was Agent 86. As in any good show, good always prevails over evil and Maxwell Smart—despite his incompetence and bumbling always succeeded in achieving his mission.
As a nation, we sure could use him right about now!
Daniel Strand, a professor of ethics at Air University, headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, writes: “At any and every corner of personal and social life, the primary threat to human flourishing is the disordering of the human soul and social relations into self-centered, individualistic, indulgent, narcissistic, idealistic, prideful, tribal, or sentimental factions. Chaos is a cancer that manifests itself within the soul of the individual and social relations when order disintegrates.” (Chaos: The Fundamental Problem of Human Society, Providence, February 16, 2016) Chaos creates a real circus, and who among us does not feel lost in a circus beyond our control thanks to the actions of the “orange one” and his cronies. We are in chaos as a nation and as the citizens of this nation. Chaos creates feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, uncertainty, stress, a sense of being unmoored, leading to a desire to do something, anything to regain control which often leads to impulsive behaviors, poor decision making, and even physical health issues. It creates a mess . . . a sense of hopelessness, especially with the onslaught that the president is wielding his Sharpie.
I’m concerned. I am concerned when I see people in my life whom I have always viewed as intelligent, competent, compassionate, justice-minded, peace-seeking, hopeful individuals feeling as if someone has punched them in the gut, knocking them to the ground. Concerned when so many are telling me that they are scared . . . hopeless . . . lost . . . detached . . . immobilized. That they are so confused about what is happening. Wondering where in the world they are living. This is not the United States of America that they were taught about, that they experienced, that they support and loved. It is a nightmare as this chaos wreaks its meanness and cruelty upon all that they hold dear with some cock-eyed vision of what will make “America great!”
And, sadly, that is their goal. To create so much chaos that people are paralyzed and fearful of doing anything about it. The magnitude of the chaos being experienced seems so overwhelming that it seems impassable . . . hopeless . . . that nothing short of divine intervention can save the day. Not even Maxwell Smart can save the day. This is the playground of the president and his incompetent administration, and they are exerting it like a bull in a china shop. This is not the “American way”. It is not even good Judeo-Christian (or any religion for that matter) practice. It is chaos. It is evil.
Agent 86 isn’t going to ride into the chaos and rescue the day. So, what can anyone do? Well, there is much that can be done:
- Contact your legislators. If it is a Republican member of congress, contact them and tell them to come clean and own their role in the chaos. They are as much the problem as the “orange one” and his administration. If it is a Democrat member of congress, contact them to start using their leverage . . . to get some backbone to hold the line. To stand up, challenge, and be counted.
- Remind all our legislators that executive orders don’t and can’t override federal laws and statutes. Take them to court. The Constitution still counts for something.
- Combat misinformation. Stay informed. Do your research. Don’t take what you see on social media as the “gospel” or the “truth”. There is a lot of disinformation out there . . . it is built into the chaos.
- Show up when and where you can. Let people see that you care. Know your rights. You have a right to speak out.
- Speak out and make public comments . . . attend public hearings to give community input.
- Find groups within your community for support or to support.
- Contribute to organizations taking up the legal battle against this chaos. It takes a lot of funding to wage the battle in court.
- Call for the freedom of the press . . . support independent journalism. Limiting journalistic access to the president, the administration, and the general government goes against the Constitution.
- Keep believing . . . this is our country. We are the people spoken so eloquently in the forming of our nation and constitution. Have hope.
As nice as it would be to have Maxwell Smart come to our rescue . . . we are on our own with this one. Chaos is a darkness. In the spiritual journey the wise ones often speak of sojourning through the darkness to get to the light. The old hymn tells us that the “darkest hour is just before the dawn.” We are in the midst of darkness. Let us keep striving to shatter the darkness and bring back the light. Let us resist the darkness. We can do this because we are not alone. We have each other and together “we are the people”. That is the only thing that will make a difference. Agent 86 is coming . . . the show was cancelled years and years ago. As Maxwell Smart used to say, “Would you believe . . .” Believe!! We can do this.